The Ancient Origins of Cornrow Braids

This debate is made more complicated by some people using this small ivory figure as a reason for modern Europeans to style their hair in traditional African and Black hairstyles like cornrows or box braids. The topic of braids brings up complicated topics like cultural appropriation, heritage, and much more! Let’s look more closely at the history of cornrows in particular.

Discover Historic Black Communities: Gee’s Bend

After emancipation, many formerly enslaved Black people were faced with limited opportunities and stayed as sharecroppers at the plantations where they had been enslaved. The system of sharecropping left them perpetually in debt to the landowners and former enslavers. Gee’s Bend, Alabama was one such community.

Celebrating Historic Black Communities: Gullah-Geechee

The roots of Gullah culture are deep and begin across the Atlantic with the distinct cultures of various West and Central African nations. The majority of the enslaved people who arrived in Colonial America from Africa came through Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina where they were quarantined before proceeding to Charleston, South Carolina to be sold.

Angel Island Immigration Station: Ellis Island of the West

While many people immigrated through the better-known Ellis Island in New York, there was not a similar immigration processing station to manage immigrants coming from Asian countries via the West Coast. Angel Island off the coast of San Francisco, California opened as an immigrant detention center in 1910. It processed hundreds of thousands of immigrants mostly from China, Japan, Russia, and South Asia for over three decades until its closure in 1940.

November Reading List: Native American Heritage Month & the History of Harvest Feasts

It’s November and here in the United States it’s Native American Heritage Month.  Thanksgiving also takes place on the third Thursday of the month. This year, it’s on November 24th.  The National Congress for American Indians describes Native American History Month: “The month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important … Read More

Native American Heritage Month Teaching Resources

November is Native American Heritage Month.  In our American History boxes, we talk about the role of Native Americans in every box.  It’s only right. We need to talk about Native American history all year long, but next month is a perfect time of year to do a deep dive. Here are some resources for appropriate and respectful study.  Discussing … Read More

Black History Month Teaching & Learning Resources

Black History Month is celebrated every year from February 1-March 1 in the United States & Canada. Did you know that Black History Month is also celebrated in other countries around the world like the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands?  They celebrate Black History Month in October but the mission is the same.  In America, it is a month … Read More

6 Episodes of Doctor Who for History Lovers

If you are searching for Doctor Who episodes for history lovers, you might be a Whovian! Just in case you don’t know, a “Whovian” is a fan of Doctor Who, the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey British sci-fi show.  As the Doctor travels through time and space, they often come into contact with famous historical figures or historical events on Earth.   Here are … Read More

A History of Memorial Day: Celebrating those Who Died in Battle

Did you know that Memorial Day wasn’t always called Memorial Day? If you ask your older relatives they might remember the holiday being called Decoration Day. It wasn’t until 1967 that the holiday became officially known as Memorial Day. It was established as a federal holiday on May 13th, 1938 and is celebrated on the last Monday in May. In … Read More

The Benefits of Hands-On History Activities

You might have ended up here because you were looking for hands-on history resources.  But have you ever thought about why this style of learning is so important? Sure, it’s fun. But is it effective? Short answer: Yes! Long answer: Yes, and Here’s Why! So what’s stopping you from doing hands-on history activities? Is it too much work? We’ve done … Read More

Plymouth Rock

In this post we will talk about the history of Plymouth Rock, the mythological stepping stone upon which the Pilgrims first stepped when they landed in the New World. To learn more about the Mayflower, the Pilgrims, and the Indigenous Wampanoag People check out Plymouth Unboxed or Thanksgiving Unboxed downloadable lesson. I don’t know about you, but when I think … Read More

DON’T play this game (but here’s a few to play instead!)

‘Tis the season for getting cozy and playing games as a family. As the days get shorter, you can dust off your Monopoly, the Royal Game of Goose, or perhaps your Senet board from Ancient Egypt Unboxed. But there is one historic holiday game that we would love to share, but you absolutely should not play: Snap-Dragon. While you might … Read More

The Importance of Using Authentically Sourced Materials

At History Unboxed®, our commitment to authenticity sets us apart in the realm of education. We believe in going beyond textbooks, offering students a hands-on experience with materials sourced directly from the very places they are studying. But why is this so important to us? Cultural Authenticity When we use culturally authentic materials, it gives students an opportunity to experience … Read More

The Greenland Shark: What has this shark seen?

Greenland sharks are most well known for their long lifespans; the oldest specimen captured was as much as 500 years old, having been born 1504 and 1744. Can you imagine what this centuries-old shark could have seen?