Gold Leaf Kit (Scythians Unboxed)


Horses were central to Scythian culture, as shown in the extensive representation of horses in Scythian artwork. The Scythian rider would have been a spectacular site, moving as one with a well-dressed horse.  Saddle cloths were often painted, embroidered or appliqued and wealthy riders used bridles and reins covered in gold. The highest ranking Scythians also used gold on their saddle cloths during life and when they were buried. The horse you will be gold plating is a copy of one found in a burial site, and was once part of a woman’s ceremonial headdress.

What's included?

Kit includes everything needed to decorate a Scythian style horse:

  • Wooden horse
  • Faux gold leaf
  • Glue
  • Paint brush
  • Cotton gloves
  • Historic Information & Instructions Sheet