West Virginia Learning Standards

West Virginia Content Standards

SS.K.16 Investigate the past and explore the differences in other people, times and cultures through stories of people, heroes, pictures, songs, holidays, customs, traditions or legends.
SS.1.18 Utilize primary source documents and oral accounts to investigate ways communities change throughout history.
SS.1.21 Illustrate personal history by creating a timeline.
SS.2.16 Explore the impact historic figures have had upon our society.
SS.3.3 Investigate significant cultural contributions of various groups creating our multicultural society.
SS.3.4 Examine historical conflicts and their resolutions.
SS.3.21 Examine the settlement of North America by Native Americans.
SS.3.22 Determine the causes and effects of European exploration.
SS.4.10 Compare and contrast the physical, economic and political changes to America caused by geographic conditions and human intervention.
SS.4.14 Demonstrate an understanding of the conflict between the American colonies and England that led to the Revolutionary War.
SS.4.16 Demonstrate an understanding of the causes and effects of Westward Expansion.
SS.5.16 Illustrate the effects of settlement on the environment of the West.
SS.5.20 Demonstrate an understanding of the industrial North and the agricultural South before, during and after the Civil War.

SS.6.15 Compare and contrast historical maps and identify the changes in political boundaries as a result of conflicts.
SS.7.1 Classify and compare various forms of government through the Age of Imperialism[.]
SS.7.3 Compare and contrast the roles, rights and responsibilities of free men, women, children, slaves and foreigners across time in various civilizations.
SS.7.13 Analyze the impact of cultural diffusion on a variety of regions.
SS.7.17 Demonstrate an understanding of the ancient civilizations.
SS.7.18 Demonstrate an understanding of the Middle Ages.

SS.W.1 Describe the roles of citizens and their responsibilities.
SS.W.3 Analyze and evaluate various ways of organizing systems of government in order to illustrate the continuity and change in the role of government over time[.]
SS.W.13 Explain how migration of people and movement of goods and ideas can enrich cultures, but also create tensions.
SS.W.17 Demonstrate an understanding of ancient river civilizations and the ways in which early civilizations evolve.
SS.W.18 Demonstrate an understanding of classical civilizations and the influence of those civilizations across time and space.
SS.W.19 Demonstrate an understanding of Middle Age societies[.]
SS.W.21 Demonstrate an understanding of the global political environment of the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries.
SS.US.21 Demonstrate an understanding of the causes and course of the Civil War[.]
SS.USC.20 Demonstrate an understanding of the European settlement of North America.
SS.USC.22 Demonstrate an understanding of westward movement and land acquisition.

Please note: Our Modern History Curriculum (coming soon!) will align with several Grade 9-12 courses, including Contemporary Studies.