Struggling with what costume to wear for this Halloween? We’ve got you covered here at History Unboxed with some traditional and niche history-based costume ideas!
The Story of Jack (AKA, Mr. O’Lantern)
It all starts with an Irish folktale called The Legend of Stingy Jack. So who exactly is this “Stingy Jack?” As the story goes, Jack lived in a small Irish village. He was known among the villagers as a drunk and not a very nice person. In fact, the Devil himself heard many rumors about Jack and became jealous of … Read More
Our Favorite Books for Festivals of the Dead
No matter who we are, we all come into contact with death. People around the world have their own traditions to mourn and celebrate the loss of loved ones. Americans celebrate Halloween as a spooky day with monsters and creatures. Other celebrations of the dead around the world are quite different. Books are a great way to learn about other … Read More