Tradition and Travel: How the Honolulu International Airport Honors Its Culture

As one of the most racially and ethnically diverse states in the US, Hawaii has a rich culture and heritage. Customs and traditions from the islands’ indigenous roots continue to flourish, and Hawaii has also become home to immigrant populations from countries like China, Japan, and the Philippines. This openness has highlighted the importance of Asian American and Pacific Islander … Read More

History of Languages in the Philippines by Pia Villanueva-Pulido

In celebration of Asian-American & Pacific Islander History Month, we are bringing you a special guest blog post on the history of language in the Philippines by Pia Villanueva-Pulido! Pia  is an award-winning English and Humanities educator for the Gifted and Talented, a storyteller, a published freelance writer, and children’s author. She was born in Manila, Philippines and grew up … Read More