Create your own homeschool history curriculum by pairing The Story of the World with hands-on history through History Unboxed®
Wondering how to combine two great resources into your ideal history curriculum? Check out our guide on matching up history unit studies from History Unboxed® with resources from The Story of the World.

The Story of the World; Volume 1: Ancient Times by Susan Wise Bauer
Chapter 01; Ancient Australian Unboxed & Jomon Unboxed; Stone Age Unboxed (Downloadable Lesson)
Chapter 04; Egypt Unboxed
Chapter 05; Uruk Unboxed
Chapter 06; Israelites Unboxed
Chapter 07; Babylon Unboxed
Chapter 09; Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Unboxed (Ancient India/Indus Valley)
Chapter 11; Ghana Empire Unboxed
Chapter 13; Pharoahs Unboxed
Chapter 15; Phoenicia Unboxed
Chapter 22; Athens Unboxed
Chapter 25; Alexander the Great
Chapter 32, 33; China Unboxed
Chapter 34, 35; Julius Caesar
Chapter 36; Pompeii Unboxed
The Story of the World Volume 2:
Chapter 2: Anglo-Saxons Unboxed & Saint Patrick’s Day (Downloadable Lesson)
Chapter 4: The Byzantine Empire Unboxed
Chapter 7: The Islamic Empire Unboxed
Chapter 10: Ancient Australia Unboxed
Chapter 13: Charlemagne Unboxed & C is for Charlemagne
Chapter 14: Vikings Unboxed
Chapter 17: Medieval Japan Unboxed
Chapter 21: Mongols Unboxed
Chapter 22: The Ming Dynasty Unboxed
Chapter 29: Ghana Empire Unboxed, Mali Unboxed, and Benin Unboxed
Chapter 31: Explorers Unboxed
Chapter 32: Maya Empire Unboxed