Returns and Refund Policy

We accept returns of unused items in new, original packaging. (Please note: we do not pay return shipping).

We highly suggest using USPS priority mail as it will give you a tracking number and $50 of insurance – we cannot issue a refund for items lost or damaged in the mail. Please note that returns must be mailed within 30 days of original receipt by tracking #. Once the return is received, we can issue a refund or exchange. We also suggest emailing the tracking number to [email protected] as this will help to expedite the return process.

Return Address:

History Unboxed Fulfillment

ATTN: Returns

122 W Spencer St.
Culpeper, VA 22701

Stolen/Missing Package Policy 

  1. Proof of Delivery & Responsibility 

Once UPS marks a package as "Delivered" with proof of delivery (such as a tracking update, photo, or signature confirmation), the responsibility for the package transfers to the recipient. Our company is not liable for stolen packages after confirmed delivery. 

  1. What to Do If Your Package Is Missing 

If your UPS package is marked as delivered but you have not received it, please follow these steps: 

  • Check Your Surroundings: Look around your delivery location, including porches, mailrooms, back doors, and other potential drop-off spots. 
  • Ask Neighbors or Household Members: Sometimes, packages are left with a neighbor or building manager. 
  • UPS: Wait 24 Hours: In some cases, carriers mark a package as delivered before actual drop-off. 
  • USPS: Wait 24-48 Hours: USPS tracking may show "Delivered" before the package actually arrives. 
  1. Filing a UPS Claim: 

If you still cannot locate your package, you may file a claim with UPS for a lost or stolen package: 

  • Visit UPS Claims
  • Provide your tracking number and any relevant details 
  • UPS may investigate and determine if a refund is possible 
  1. Filing a USPS Claim: 

If your package is still missing after 48 hours, you can file a Missing Mail or Theft Report

  1. Submit a Missing Mail Search

○ Visit USPS Missing Mail & Lost Packages 

○ Provide tracking details and a description of the package. 

  1. File a Theft Report (if applicable):

○ If you suspect theft, report it to your local Post Office or file a complaint with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at USPIS Report Mail Theft 

○ You may also contact local law enforcement for further assistance. 

Claim Timeframe

  • Lost or missing packages must be reported within 60 days of the mailing date. ● Claims for insured packages can be filed after 15 days but must be submitted within 60 days of shipment. 

*Our company can assist with providing necessary documents for the claim, but we are not responsible for refunding or replacing packages that UPS confirms as delivered.