Returns and Refund Policy
We accept returns of unused items in new, original packaging. (Please note: we do not pay return shipping).
We highly suggest using USPS priority mail as it will give you a tracking number and $50 of insurance – we cannot issue a refund for items lost or damaged in the mail. Please note that returns must be mailed within 30 days of original receipt by tracking #. Once the return is received, we can issue a refund or exchange. We also suggest emailing the tracking number to [email protected] as this will help to expedite the return process.
Return Address:
History Unboxed Fulfillment
ATTN: Returns
122 W Spencer St.
Culpeper, VA 22701
Stolen/Missing Package Policy
- Proof of Delivery & Responsibility
Once UPS marks a package as "Delivered" with proof of delivery (such as a tracking update, photo, or signature confirmation), the responsibility for the package transfers to the recipient. Our company is not liable for stolen packages after confirmed delivery.
- What to Do If Your Package Is Missing
If your UPS package is marked as delivered but you have not received it, please follow these steps:
- Check Your Surroundings: Look around your delivery location, including porches, mailrooms, back doors, and other potential drop-off spots.
- Ask Neighbors or Household Members: Sometimes, packages are left with a neighbor or building manager.
- UPS: Wait 24 Hours: In some cases, carriers mark a package as delivered before actual drop-off.
- USPS: Wait 24-48 Hours: USPS tracking may show "Delivered" before the package actually arrives.
- Filing a UPS Claim:
If you still cannot locate your package, you may file a claim with UPS for a lost or stolen package:
- Visit UPS Claims
- Provide your tracking number and any relevant details
- UPS may investigate and determine if a refund is possible
- Filing a USPS Claim:
If your package is still missing after 48 hours, you can file a Missing Mail or Theft Report:
- Submit a Missing Mail Search:
○ Visit USPS Missing Mail & Lost Packages
○ Provide tracking details and a description of the package.
- File a Theft Report (if applicable):
○ If you suspect theft, report it to your local Post Office or file a complaint with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at USPIS Report Mail Theft
○ You may also contact local law enforcement for further assistance.
Claim Timeframe:
- Lost or missing packages must be reported within 60 days of the mailing date. ● Claims for insured packages can be filed after 15 days but must be submitted within 60 days of shipment.
*Our company can assist with providing necessary documents for the claim, but we are not responsible for refunding or replacing packages that UPS confirms as delivered.