Missions Unboxed (American History)


Inside This Box:

  • Learn about the importance of drinking chocolate and then make your own!
  • Enjoy a delicious and healthy snack just like Pacific Native peoples – salted crickets!
  • Make an acorn spinning toy just like children living near the missions
  • Learn about the struggles and changes during colonial America for Indigenous peoples and Spanish colonists

…and more!

Our youth boxes contain printed materials at multiple levels from elementary to lower high school level. The young adult box contains additional literature featuring mature content.

Looking for more information on Missions? Our Missions Unboxed Pinterest board has additional activities, books, and learning resources.


Missions Unboxed

Explore the history of missions in Spanish colonial America. This immersive lesson delves into the daily lives, traditions, and challenges faced by Indigenous peoples and Spanish colonists during this pivotal time in history.

What’s Inside?

  • Cultural Connections: Discover the role of drinking chocolate in the missions and its significance to both Spanish colonists and Native peoples. Then, make your own chocolate with a traditional tool to experience this treasured beverage firsthand.
  • Everyday Life: Learn about the foods enjoyed by Pacific Native peoples, including salted crickets, and try this healthy and sustainable snack for yourself.
  • Games and Toys: Create an acorn spinning toy, just like the ones played with by Indigenous children for a fun, hands-on connection to history.
  • Struggles and Changes: Examine the impacts of colonialism on Indigenous communities. Understand the cultural exchanges, conflicts, and transformations that shaped life in these Catholic institutions.

Hands-On Activities:

  • Make your own drinking chocolate from scratch.
  • Try salted crickets, a snack inspired by Pacific Native peoples.
  • Craft an acorn spinning toy like those used by 18th century children.
  • Explore stories and historical accounts of life during the era.

Why Choose Missions Unboxed?

  • Balanced Perspective: Learn about the missions from multiple viewpoints. This lesson highlights both the struggles and contributions of Indigenous peoples and Spanish colonizers.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage with history through hands-on activities, from crafting toys to enjoying authentic foods.
  • Fun and Educational: Perfect for homeschool families, this curriculum provides a meaningful exploration of this period in Spanish America.

Discover the History of the Missions
With Missions Unboxed, students will gain a deeper understanding of the cultural exchanges, innovations, and challenges that defined the mission era. This is a perfect supplement for California history’s fourth grade social studies mission project!

Perfect for Homeschool Families
Designed to spark curiosity and critical thinking, Missions Unboxed brings history to life with activities and lessons that are both engaging and educational.

Discover Missions Unboxed today and explore the rich history of colonial America!

Please note: The Young Adult box contains discussions of toileting and approaches to sexuality in Indigenous and Spanish communities.